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Bol International's China desk – the right solution for all your needs
Working across borders requires a broad, global perspective and experienced professionals who can offer expertise in both local and international legislation. It also means having access to expert guidance when you need it.
At Bol International, the contact person at our China desk will select the right professionals to meet your business needs. This desk provides invaluable support and advice to Chinese-owned businesses of all sizes and across a diverse range of industries and sectors.
With an understanding of both the Dutch and Chinese business landscapes, we can help ensure your operations in the Netherlands function as smoothly and efficiently as possible. Let us be your guide.
A full package of services
Our Chinese clients and their advisors rely on Bol International’s specialists for assistance with a wide range of matters, including:
- VAT filing requirements and acting as your VAT representative;
- expatriate services (e.g. labor law, tax and social security planning);
- setting up legal and tax-efficient structures;
- accounting and audit services;
- transfer pricing services; and
- HR and payroll services.
Whether you require advice on a standalone issue or comprehensive support across different operating areas, we can provide you with a tailor-made solution to suit your needs.
Get the answers you need via our network
As a member of the Leading Edge Alliance (LEA) and the International Fiscal Association (IFA), we have access to important global networks, which we can deploy to your benefit.
These relationships allow us to connect with law, accounting and tax consulting firms in important business centers. We can work together with your tax advisor and/or accountant to find the best possible solution for your business. We also have access to the most extensive tax library in the world, the International Bureau of Fiscal Documentation (IBFD), providing a wealth of information that we can pass on to our clients.
Access to the right people
Your regular contact person at the China desk is Margriet. She speaks fluent Chinese and is familiar with Chinese culture, helping to make our partnership as smooth and effective as possible. Her job is to work with you to identify the source of your company’s issue and then connect you with relevant specialists within Bol International. She will also be responsible for filing your corporate income tax and personal income tax returns. With this approach, we aim to deliver an outcome everyone is happy with.
Our offices in the Netherlands are easy to reach. Our Amsterdam “Rep-office” is close to Schiphol International Airport while our other offices are an hour’s drive away. Margriet also visits China on an annual basis, potentially allowing opportunities for a face-to-face meeting if required. Read here more about Bol International.

Bol International 中国服务台——满足您所有需求的不二之选
Bol International 中国服务台的联系人将为您选择合适的专业人士,力求满足您的业务需求。本服务台为不同行业不同规模的中国企业提供宝贵的支持和建议。
Bol International 专家帮助中国客户和其顾问解决各种各样的问题,包括:
作为Leading Edge Alliance (LEA) 和国际财政协会 (IFA) 的成员,我们有权使用具有权威性的全球网络,从您的利益出发加以有效利用。
在这些关系网络的支持下,我们始终可以与重要商业中心的法律、会计和税务咨询公司保持联系。我们可以与您的税务顾问和/或会计通力合作,共同为您的业务寻找最佳解决方案。此外,我们还有权访问世界上内容最丰富的税务资料库——荷兰国际财政文献局 (IBFD),为客户提供海量信息。
Margriet 是中国服务台的常驻联系人。她中文流利并且熟悉中国文化,确保我们合作伙伴关系更顺畅,更高效。她负责与您共同研究确定公司问题的根源,然后帮助您与 Bol International 的相关专家取得联系。她还负责填写您的企业所得税和个人所得税申报表。我们希望能借此方法实现皆大欢喜的结果。
我们的荷兰办事处位置便利。阿姆斯特丹“代办处”紧邻阿姆斯特丹斯希普霍尔机场,其他办事处距离该机场仅一个小时的车程。Margriet 每年都会造访中国。如果需要,可以安排与您进行面对面交流。
Contact Margriet for more information!
Connect with Magriet today to find out exactly how we can help you.