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Our international desks
Our international desks serve as the point of contact for clients in the United Kingdom, United States, China and Germany. From here, you will be directed to the relevant specialist team, depending on the type of service you require.
UK-NL Desk
Brexit is one of the most difficult economic events of this decade, and it is presenting many businesses on both sides of the water with a range of new challenges. Among other things, these include VAT issues, Customs and logistics complications, and complex new administrative costs. Amid the Brexit uncertainty, Bol International’s UK-NL Desk is a one-stop shop for all the legal, tax, and advisory services you need to navigate a complex environment.
US-NL Desk
Increasingly, US companies are choosing the Netherlands as a place for doing business or as a location for key areas of their overseas operations. At Bol International, we have extensive experience supporting US clients of all sizes and industries stretching back many years. With our deep understanding of both the Dutch and US business landscape, we can be the guide you need.
Expertenstelle DE-NL
Deutsche Unternehmen, die auch den niederländischen Markt erobern wollen, stehen vor zahlreichen Herausforderungen juristischer, steuerlicher und finanzieller Art. Unsere deutschsprachigen Experten helfen Ihnen durch den Behördendschungel, damit Sie Fallstricke oder sogar Bußgelder vermeiden. Wir stehen Ihnen bei allen Fragen als professioneller Partner zur Seite, damit Sie die für Ihr Unternehmen besten Entscheidungen treffen können.
China desk
More and more Chinese companies are choosing the Netherlands as a place for doing business or as a location for key areas of their overseas operations. At Bol International, we work with Chinese businesses from across a wide range of industries, offering a full package of services. Whatever your issue, our dedicated desk and contact person will help you find the support you need.
E-book: Doing Business in the Netherlands
Interest in doing business in the Netherlands? This e-book offers you practical information about the country and how to set up a business, adopt the ideal legal form, the subsidy schemes, the tax system, labour law and much more. For more detailed information, please do not hesitate to contact us.